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Your website’s design will lock people to your website. The most important factor in a website design is the look and feel of the website, which is also part of the user experience and user interface. The design of the website is the first and foremost thing that you should be working upon when starting to strategize website development. Any top website development company look after these matters. Customer conversions are driven by this.
The following are19 effective web design principles you should know:
1. Defining The Purpose Clearly
Every website has a purpose for which it is designed. You must be clearly aware of that purpose. The needs of the user should be met by it. On what your visitors are looking for, be it entertainment, interaction or information, you should have a clear idea. Across all pages of the website, this purpose should flow, fulfilling the specific requirements of the website users.
2. Communication Should Be Clear And To The Point
Only through the means of a proper communication channel should the purpose be conveyed. There should be clarity and legibility in the information or content on your website. It should also be easy to understand.
3. Font
The information should be readable when you convey it. An important factor here is the font size you implement. Verdana, Arial and fonts falling under the Sans Serif categories are preferable. 16 px is the ideal font size for reading online.
4. Colours
You should consider providing a great user experience in terms of colours because they are another aspect of web design. It provides balance and peace to readers if a blend of contemporary colours is used. For background and text, contrasting colours should be used as it makes the text legible to the eye. The best website design company always maintain this.
5. Images
In a web design, images have an important role. The brand position gains benefit from images and it helps to connect with real audiences. In the website, videos, graphics and infographics can also be used.


6. Navigation
It should be easy for people to take action and move around the website when it comes to navigation. The use of clickable buttons, logical picture hierarchy, etc. are some of the hacks that can help with an effective navigation. Users can also easily find information with the help of this.

7. “F” Pattern Design
It has been found that people follow an “F” pattern while skimming across computer screens. The top and left side of the screen is gazed around by the people, whether the right side is often not checked out by the people. But, the user doesn’t have time to choose a visual pattern when a website is smartly and wisely designed. In this case, the pattern that the site owns is followed by them.

8. Load Time
It should be made sure that the website should not take too time to load. Image size optimization, compiling the code into a Central CSS or JavaScript file and minimizing HTML, JavaScript and CSS are some hacks to enhance to enhance page load times. This is what the best web development company ensures.

9. Mobile Friendly
To build a responsive layout that would fit any device or screen size is necessary.

10. The Design Is More Than What Hits The Eye
A web design involves the look, feels and experience that is encountered by a user right from their entrance to the site till the exit. Various factors contribute to the decision making of the people who visit the website.

11. The Objective Of The Business
Every component of the website is related to the objective of the business for which it is built. Make sure that with the business goals each of these elements is synchronized. Then only a great user experience will be achieved.

12. User Is The Core Of Any Design
A web design should be awesome from the user perspective because in determining the success of the business for which the website is built, the user is the supreme authority. Any website design agency is aware of this.


13. Designing Can Include Sketching Too
To find out whether the needs of the clients are being fulfilled, wireframes and mood boards are some of the methods that are implemented. You can get an insight into the flow of various aspects of a user’s journey across the website’s design including the content and other details if you sketch the user’s experience.

14. You Need Some White Space
To provide the users with a break, white space is needed. To ensure that the relationship of the users with other space and elements on the page is well synchronized an awesomeness is created in the white space that is used in a website design.

15. Grids Are More Than CSS Frameworks
Grids bring about a great deal of collaboration other than focusing on the design part to help you prepare a great visual impact on the users of the website. Select that grid which will ensure that some essential elements could be incorporated well rather than selecting the one that might seem to be easier to implement.

16. Does Everything Sync In?
It must be made sure that the important elements will yield the necessary output and that they are aligned in rhythm to attract the human eye. A website design & development company ensures this matter.

17. Draw Inspiration
In any design principle strategy, this is another important step. Keep a collection of images, videos, posters or even websites that have created a visual impact on you. You could get help from them in improvising your design skills and they also help you in your creative thinking.

18. Can Your Design Provide A Solution?
It must be ensured that it will be an answer or solution to the queries of the website viewers whenever a website design company is setting off to design a great piece of work.

19. Be Your Own Critic
To test your web design, get some real-time users. You can create a list of questions and request for their feedback on the website beside watching their movements and capturing their actions. This will help you to modify anything if required. You should also examine by yourself how the website works, the ease of use, the speed and how people can relate to these details.
